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PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Snyder RE
PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Watson RE
PHI 1060 Symbolic Logic Snyder RE
PHI 2000 Metaphysics Kostochka CC
PHI 2420 Ancient Philosophy Harbin HW
PHI 2840 Philosophy and Literature Berry CC or EO*
PHI 3361 Buddhist Ethics Kostochka IN
PHI 3400 Topics in Indian Philosophy  Watson IN
PHI 3546 History of Early Analytic Philosophy Berry HW
PHI 4xxx* Global Justice* Harbin CC*
PHI 4180 Topics in Philosophy of Mind Saran CC


Note: Professor Saran will teach a section of the FC Mind and Behaviour.  


See below for courses offered, and the course catalogue on LMS for the course descriptions.

Monsoon 2021


PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Saran RE
PHI 1060 Symbolic Logic Rosenhagen RE
PHI 2450 Early Modern Philosophy Berry HW
PHI 2770 Political Philosophy Weltman CC
PHI 3180 Advanced Philosophy of Mind Snyder CC
PHI 3776 War and Violence Harbin CC
PHI 3695 Personal Identity and Ethics  Weltman CC
PHI 4380 Classical Indian Epistemology Shevchenko IN
PHI 3630/4630 Metaethics Berry CC


Note: Professors Harbin, Saran, & Snyder will teach a section of the FC Mind and Behaviour each.

Spring 2021

PHI 2715 Philosophy of Love Rosenhagen EO


Monsoon 2021

Note: Professor Rosenhagen also teaches one FC: Principles of Science.

PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Lima RE
PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Saran RE
PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Watson RE
PHI 1000 Intro to Philosophy Weltman RE
PHI 1060 Symbolic Logic Snyder RE
PHI 2120 Epistemology Rosenhagen CC
PHI 2240 Philosophy of Science Dixon CC
PHI 2615 / PHI 2570 Existentialism and Ethics Martin CC or HW, not both
PHI 3241 Philosophy of Mathematics Snyder CC
PHI 3401 Indian Philosophy through the Eyes of Bimal Matilal Watson IN
PHI 3486 Kant’s Political Philosophy  Weltman HW
PHI 3530 19th Century Philosophy Martin HW
PHI 4000 Topics in Advanced Metaphysics Dixon CC
PHI 4631 Philosophy of Action Lima CC


Note: Professor Saran teaches an FC Mind and Behaviour.


Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka

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