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Ashoka Scholars Programme in Media Studies

Ashoka University offers a year-long Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Studies and Research (DipASR) to students who have completed the three-year Bachelor’s Programme, during which students can take a wide range of elective options across a variety of subjects, as well as gain valuable research experience in specific disciplines. Students must complete 32 credits to graduate from the ASP and may choose to complete an advanced major in a particular discipline or may choose to study subjects across disciplines.

  • Requirements

    For ASP students and students doing a Concentration in Media Studies, only Media Culture and Society is mandatory. 

    Pre-requisites do not apply for cross-listed courses taken by non-Media Studies students. For example, Media Studies minor students will require Newswriting and Reporting as a prerequisite for Longform Journalism, but a student studying for a minor in Creative Writing will not need that prerequisite.

More About Ashoka Scholars' Programme

All undergraduates graduating with Bachelor’s Degrees at the end of their third year, or who have completed by that time at least academic 92 credits of their degree programme, are eligible for admission into the Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Studies and Research programme, also known as the Ashoka Scholars Programme (ASP). Students who need to complete up to 8 credits of their undergraduate degree must do so within the first semester of the ASP. All students who fall into either of these categories must formally apply for admission to the ASP towards the end of the Spring semester of their third year. The exact date will be circulated by the OAA.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It’s strongly recommended that you follow the order of level as well as take the mandatory courses first. Since the mandatory courses are also prerequisites for several higher-level courses and they help build a strong foundation, it’s highly recommended that you take them first.

At least two out of the three mandatory courses will be offered every semester.

No, if you have already taken the course, Media Culture and Society as an FC — you don’t have to take it again as an elective. However, you still need to take six courses to complete a minor, which excludes the FC as one of the six required courses for a minor.

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Study at Ashoka

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