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Dikshant Agarwal

Age: 22 Hometown: Jaipur

B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai

Dikshant, an engineer and an aspiring entrepreneur, grew up in Jaipur wanting to become an astronaut. It was only later he realized that soon everyone would be able to go to space and one didn’t need to be an astronaut to travel among the stars. So, he pursued the next best thing – engineering. As the first engineer in the family, he graduated from IIT Bombay as a mechanical engineer, only then to find the dearth of the good engineering opportunities.
Growing up, his father didn’t like him reading fiction books (and what kid reads non-fiction books). So while pretending to be studying in his room, he spent most of his time playing computer games, creating his own empire, adventure park or automobile company. Hence unsurprisingly, he was an average student at school, and kind of a socially aloof person. But surprisingly, he got into IIT Bombay and was quite happy about it, although less happier than his parents, relatives and their friends.
Always against family trips, he later found love in discovering and exploring things by himself. So, he decided to spend a semester at the National University of Singapore and was quite shocked to find that typical universities like those in Karan Johar movies do exist. He was even more surprised to find people pursuing such professions that he had never even heard of.
He is trying to read books (non-fiction mostly) more frequently now. Other than that, he tries to keep himself lean and thin. He loves mountains more than beaches and chai more than coffee.
He is very excited to have gotten into YIF, partly because it’s the first time he’ll be surrounded by non-engineers – those creatures that he has seen only in movies and web series.
Favourite Quote: “The thing that’s worth doing is trying to improve our understanding of the world and gain a better appreciation of the universe and not to worry too much about there being no meaning. And, you know, try and enjoy yourself. Because, actually, life’s pretty good. It really is.”

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