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Mohammad Afaan

YIF 2020-21

B.A. in Urdu, Jamia Milia Islamia University, Kashmir

Mohammad Afaan is a poet and a writer from Kashmir. He has been experimenting with the “Nazm” and “Ghazal” form of poetry with a goal of introducing postmodern metaphors in Urdu language. Considering his soul more of a rapper than a poet, he has found his own writer brethren in American and Russian literature and declares John Steinbeck, Dostoevsky, David Foster Wallace, Kendrick Lamar, N.M Rashid, Faiz ahmed Faiz, Wiliam Faulkner, Andrei Tarkovsky, Ingmar Bergmann, Paul Thomas Anderson, Leonard Cohen, Jackson Pollock, Vincent Van Gogh, Arthur Rimbaud and Tupac as the artists who have influenced him the most. Other than poetry he has also written short stories and has been featured in a documentary called “Forgotten Homes” by the Department of Mass Communication, Jamia Millia Islamia. He also shares a vivid interest in cinema and dreams of creating a movie which would be a blend of the images from his favourite poets and the techniques of his favorite directors. He seeks nothing but the constant push from the Fellowship to help him be something beyond himself.

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