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Somitra Sanadhya

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Ashoka University

Ph.D. ISI Kolkata

Dr Somitra Sanadhya is a researcher in Cryptology and Security, and has worked closely with many governmental agencies and defense forces for development and analysis of cryptograhic primitives. Some of his current focus areas are: Cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives, design and analysis of authenticated encryption algorithms, password hashing schemes, hardware oriented Cryptography and side channel attacks. His research is supported by grants from DRDO, Ministry of defense and Indian navy.

He has organized multiple international and national conferences and workshops on Cryptology. He received the best teacher award at IIIT Delhi in 2015. Currently he is guiding many PhD and masters students for their thesis in the area of Cryptology.

He completed his BTech from IIT Delhi, MTech from JNU, New Delhi and PhD from ISI Kolkata. Before joining academics, he has worked in a few multinational companies.

Study at Ashoka

Study at Ashoka

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